Have you reclaimed your data from Acxiom yet?
Acxiom is one of the largest data brokers in the game today. They have claimed to have over a thousand data points on the majority of adults in the united states alone. Data companies like this have been around since the ‘60s and it is time we start taking back our data!
“Company executives have said its database contains information about 500 million active consumers worldwide, with about 1,500 data points per person. That includes a majority of adults in the United States.” - Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome – NYTimes
That quote is about Acxiom and we are about to opt out of that nonsense.
go to https://isapps.acxiom.com/optout/
click Go to US Consumer Opt-Out Form
Select opt-out segments (YOU CAN SELECT THEM ALL)
Fill out the data and press the + symbol next to it after you fill it out
You can add more than one of each data type – I would include deadnames if you have them.
Click submit
Enter the email you want them to communicate with regarding the opt-out request. This email can be from the opt-out list provided.
Please open the email from them and click the verification link
Copy down the reference number - that’s it!
One down! Hundreds to go!
Yeah… sorry about that. Hundreds are how many data brokers have your data… Rest assured I will go through every one of them you want to know about. If I have not covered one in the blog then reach out and I can get that walkthrough built!
If filling out forms all day doesn’t sound like your cup of tea. Check out my site here for professional assistance at a wildly affordable rate!