A different kind of security

Photo of Founder Logan Rhamy

Hello there,

I’d like to start with a story - my grandmother's list of passwords. She kept the paper in her purse and handed it to me to help her with her computer. I was shocked at her lack of concern for what would happen if someone stole her purse. It was an early lesson in cybersecurity for me. I learned that most people would do what they want, regardless of advice. This was my a-ha moment, the beginning of my goal to provide a different kind of security that works with human nature, not against it.

I believe that cybersecurity should be accessible to everyone. On this site, you will find blog articles and other information to help you in your daily life. There’s even an article about managing your passwords, inspired by my grandmother’s list!

We also offer classes on various topics, including managing your passwords, spotting scams, and so much more. We even have a security risk assessment class available for medical professionals.

We want to ensure our community is as safe as possible, so we've made our classes accessible and affordable. On top of that, if you’d like to receive a special discount code for your first class, please subscribe to our newsletter below. Once you have subscribed, you will automatically receive that discount code in your email.

My journey in cybersecurity started in college, where I quickly realized that I didn’t exactly like computers. It wasn't until years later, when I got a chance to work in IT, that I found my calling. Since then, I have received a bachelor's and master's degree in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance from Western Governors University and dozens of certifications from some of the top certifying bodies in the United States. I have used my knowledge, experience, and education to help individuals and small businesses through a range of cybersecurity concerns.

I started Air Capital Cyber Security to make cybersecurity available to everyone, regardless of their technological education and means. We believe in providing a different kind of security, one that works with human nature and empowers you with the knowledge and skills to take charge of your digital identity. By subscribing to our newsletter, you'll stay updated with the latest cybersecurity insights, valuable tips, and upcoming classes to help you stay safe online.

Thank you for letting us be your friendly guide through the often intimidating world of cybersecurity.

Best regards,
Logan Rhamy