Don't Take the Bait: How to Spot and Avoid Phishing Email Scams

Article reviewed and updated for 2024
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Phishing emails are fraudulent messages that appear to come from a reputable source. The goal is to steal sensitive information, like login credentials or account numbers, by disguising malicious links or attachments as trustworthy. Phishing scams have become increasingly common, with millions of phishing emails sent daily. They can result in identity theft, stolen funds, or compromised accounts. Thankfully, arming yourself with knowledge about common phishing techniques makes it easier to recognize and avoid these scams. This guide will cover how phishing emails work, what to watch out for, and tips on how to protect yourself.

Sender's Name vs Email Address

When you receive an email, it's important to look closely at both the sender's name and their email address. Phishers often spoof the sender's name so it looks like it's coming from someone you know or a company you trust. For example, an email could show up in your inbox with the name "Chase Bank" but when you look at the actual email address, it's something suspicious like "". 
The sender's name can easily be faked but the actual email address is much harder to spoof. Always look beyond the name and carefully examine the full email address to determine if it's legitimate. Even slight character substitutions like an "rn" instead of an "m" can be a sign of phishing. If the sender’s name doesn't match the domain in the email address, that's a red flag that it's probably a scam.

Sense of Urgency

Phishers often try to create a false sense of urgency or pressure in their scam emails. They want recipients to act fast without thinking things through carefully. 
When you receive an email insisting you need to act immediately or face negative consequences, it should be seen as a major red flag. For example, the email might claim your account will be frozen if you don't update your information right away or that you'll miss out on an important business deal if you don't wire funds today.
Phishers know that by rushing you and implying grave outcomes if you don't respond quickly, you'll be less likely to spot the scam. You may overlook typos, lack of logos, and other signs it's not legitimate.
Any email insisting that you act fast before verifying the sender and details should be considered highly suspicious. Never let urgency or pressure override your good judgment. Take time to cautiously investigate any requests, especially those involving sensitive information or requests for money transfers.

Threats and Fear  

Phishing emails often use threats or fear to pressure the recipient into taking immediate action without thinking it through. For example, they may threaten consequences like account suspension or legal action if the recipient does not respond right away. This creates a sense of fear that causes panic and rushed reactions, which is exactly what the phisher wants.  
Some common threatening or fear-based tactics include:
  • Stating that there has been suspicious activity detected on your account that requires immediate confirmation of billing details or it will be frozen
  • Claiming the recipient committed a policy violation and must verify account details to avoid suspension
  • Warning that failure to click on a link and provide information will result in account deletion or legal action
  • Impersonating the fraud department of a company and requiring account information to resolve an urgent issue
Phishers rely on fear overriding common sense. If an email creates a sense of urgency or impending consequences, take a step back. Never provide sensitive information without first contacting the company through official channels to validate the request. Real account notices will not demand immediate action under threats without giving you time to act.


Phishers will often impersonate trusted people or organizations in order to trick you into trusting the email and clicking on malicious links or attachments. They may pretend to be someone you know, a government agency, a bank, an online store, or other legitimate organizations. 
The emails will often contain logos, branding, formatting, signatures, and other elements copied from the real organization to seem legitimate. For example, an email pretending to be from your bank may include your bank's logo, colors, and font to make it look like it's really from them.
Some signs of impersonation to watch out for:
  • The sender's email address doesn't match who they claim to be. For example, an email claiming to be from Amazon but the address is a random Gmail account
  • Asking for unusual personal or financial information that a legitimate organization wouldn't request by email
  • Typos, grammar issues, or formatting problems. Legitimate businesses make sure their communications are professional and error-free
  • Generic greetings like "Dear customer" instead of your name
Always double check who the email is really from before clicking on anything or providing any information. When in doubt, contact the organization through their official website or phone number to verify the validity of the email. Impersonation is a common trick used by phishers to gain your trust.

Account Monitoring

Phishers will often monitor a compromised email account before making their move. Rather than immediately spamming out phishing emails from the hacked account, they will lurk in the background and watch for the right opportunity.  
The phishers may patiently observe all incoming and outgoing email activity for days, weeks, or even months. They are looking for moments when the account owner is engaged in an important financial transaction or work project. Acting at precisely the right time increases the likelihood their attack will succeed before being detected.
For example, a homebuyer may be closing on a house and emailing back and forth with their real estate agent to arrange wire transfers. The phisher sees this activity and chooses that exact time to spoof an email pretending to be the real estate agent with modified wire instructions. With so much money on the line, the urgency of the situation can cause the homebuyer to let their guard down and fall for the phishing attempt.
Similarly, a phisher may notice an employee at a company emailing colleagues about an upcoming product launch or merger deal. Impersonating a high-level executive, the phisher urgently requests sensitive documents about the project. Caught up in the pressures of the launch, an employee might hand over confidential data without realizing it has been compromised.  
The key is recognizing that phishers play a patient game, often lurking undetected until they can maximize their odds of tricking users through meticulous timing and urgent demands. Staying vigilant about phishing attempts during your daily routine can help you avoid becoming a victim.

Requests for Sensitive Information

Phishers will often ask for sensitive personal or financial information like passwords, account numbers, or social security numbers over email. This should be an immediate red flag. Legitimate companies will never ask for this type of sensitive information to be sent over email. 
If you receive an email requesting private details, it’s almost certainly a phishing scam, regardless of how legitimate the email looks. Do not provide the information and report the email if possible. 
Phishers are trying to trick users into freely offering up the keys to their online accounts or identities. But falling for this tactic can lead to identity theft, emptied bank accounts, and countless other problems. When those requests come unexpectedly via email, treat them with extreme caution and verify before taking any action.

Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

Recognizing spelling and grammar errors can be a helpful clue when identifying a specific type of phishing email. However, it's essential to understand that these errors alone do not universally indicate an email is a phishing attempt. Attackers intentionally incorporate poor grammar or misspellings to target individuals who may not scrutinize content closely.
Here are some common signs to watch for:
  • Misspellings of everyday words
  • Incorrect punctuation or capitalization
  • Usage of wrong words or omitting words
  • Inconsistent formatting, such as uneven line breaks or font sizes
  • Generic greetings like "Dear customer" instead of addressing you by name
  • Unnatural or awkward phrasing
While multiple noticeable errors in an email can strongly suggest a phishing attempt, the absence of errors does not guarantee safety. It's important to exercise caution, but when you encounter several errors, it's a significant indicator that the email is likely a phishing attempt.


As we've seen, phishing emails can be tricky to spot but being aware of some key signs can help protect you. 
Here are some of the main things to look out for:
  • Check the sender's email address, not just their display name. Scammers often spoof legitimate addresses
  • Watch for urgency or threats that pressure you to act rashly. Legitimate companies won't threaten harm for not immediately clicking a link.  
  • Beware of impersonation of people or businesses you know. Verify requests for sensitive information
  • Check for poor spelling or grammar. Legitimate emails from corporations will be professional
It's smart to always think twice before clicking links or attachments, even if an email seems to be from someone you know. If something seems off, err on the side of caution and verify requests through another channel before taking action. With vigilance and skepticism, we can work together to reduce the power of phishing campaigns.

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